It's Your March

Forgive me if the following sounds a bit too didactic, but I just attended a talk by Rachel Hollis and I’m all about the motivational speak right about now.

A few weeks ago, we asked our community to send us photos of yourselves wearing XCVI. We knew that you tend to be a bit self-conscious and that you shy away from posting your own photos, but I didn’t realize to what extent.

Since we first asked, we’ve had exactly 2 (two) women send us their photos. That’s it. No one else. Why is that? Why is it that so many of us feel like our beautiful photos are not worthwhile sharing? We want to see you, the real you.

We need to stop believing those stories we tell ourselves: that we’re not pretty enough, we’re not skinny enough, we’re not enough (fill in the blank). Just because we believe those stories doesn’t make them true.

Let’s commit to owning our worth and moving on from self-doubt. Let’s march into March with confidence. Deal? Deal.

We'll start, and post our own photos (see below). Don't we look pretty? 

Daniela wearing XCVIDaniela Zeltzer, XCVI Brand Marketing Director, is wearing the Doli Top with Byrnes Skinny PantLisa wearing XCVILisa Schmidt, XCVI Brand Manager, is wearing the Starboard Top (an older XCVI style) with the Activating Pant.