Meet Angelina - The Woman Behind The Scenes

Angelina Gill's official title is Director of Production, but she wears many hats; especially since the pandemic, Angelina has been the one running the show at our warehouse, leading her team by example. She started as a Tech Design Assistant 14 years (and one month) ago, moving on to be a Design Assistant, then our CEO’s right hand woman. In short, Angelina is our company's back bone. Get to know more about her here!

Meet Angelina

  • Give us 3 words that describe your personal style
  • Simple, relaxed and relatable

  • Do you have a favorite artist (painter, sculptor, etc)
  • My Children =) & Charley Harper. I love the way he uses colors, lines and shapes in all of his prints.

    Kid's Artwork

  • What is your favorite piece of art at home?
  • A Charley Harper print in my daughter’s room that’s called "Good Lovin' and Turtle Dovin".

    Charley Harper

  • How do you practice self-care?
  • It’s honestly hard but im currently trying to make self-care a priority. Exercise has always been my go to so the new spin bike I bought myself for Christmas has been a great addition!

  • What shows are you watching right now?
  • My husband and I have been watching a lot of documentaries but when I need a break from that Schitt's Creek is a good one but I still need to watch the last season.

  • What are some lessons you learned during the pandemic?
  • Try not to rush things. At the beginning of the pandemic I was thinking too far ahead and it was stressing me out big time. Once I realized that my family was healthy and ok I just took one step at a time.

  • What do you love most about your position at XCVI?
  • I love working with my team! I’m happy to teach others about the things I know and also learning what I can from everyone else.

  • Do you have any favorite XCVI pieces? Maybe 3-5 favorite XCVI pieces of all times?
  • Oh! We had this cardigan with a slit in the elbows that was my favorite piece ever. I just had to get rid of it last year because I ripped it. We’ve had some really comfy pieces in Wearables that have been my go to for the last few months like the Alish Pullover. It’s a simple piece but so comfortable!

    The Rekka Jogger is also a great one. We made that pant in some great colors.