Happy 2023, everyone...we made it!

As the final week of 2022 comes to a close and the holiday season winds down, we’re called to look around and take stock of where our lives and relationships are, and to look back on how the year’s highlights and how the time has shaped and changed us.

At XCVI, we’ve had one heck of a year. From moving offices to shaking up our social media, it’s been a year of change for all of us here, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

For us, 2022 began with the news that we would be relocating in just a few short months. With that came saying goodbye to the space we knew and loved for over a decade. Beyond the surprisingly emotional bidding farewell, there was endless physical work to do before the move and for long after. Years of inventory were sorted through and systems overhauled, endless boxes were packed, and many trips back and forth from warehouse to office occurred. With all hands on deck, the move tested our company’s resolve and spirit. Although challenging, the relocation proved successful, and after a few months of navigating new territory in all departments, we finally settled into our regular workflow and began really getting familiar with our brand new office.

We were met with brighter lights, a more spacious work and lounge area, and an open, welcoming environment that we continue to happily nip and tuck to our liking. We have plans to upgrade our in-house photo studio to accommodate both ecommerce and lifestyle shoots, along with an ever-changing couch and ping-pong area—because we need a little bit of fun and relaxation in our day-to-day lives!

As we continue revamping our setting and leveling up in newfound ways, it’s time to reflect on this past year and think about what we want 2023 to look like—both individually and as a team as well. Even in a year as exciting and successful as 2022 has been, it’s important to check in with ourselves about how we can grow for our own sakes and for the good of the collective. How can we be better each day? Where can we elevate our performance? And just like we challenge ourselves to improve, we can pat ourselves on the back for a job well done and so too learn from our positive outcomes. What was successful for us this year? How can we continue maintaining all that has worked well for us in the coming New Year?

Sometimes New Year’s resolutions feel stifling and rigid. Often we find ourselves burnt out fairly quickly from overzealous commitments made in the name of resolutions and exhausted just a few weeks into the New Year. This year, we’re instead opting for simple goals and flexible hopes about what we look forward to in the near future. Self-reflection can lead us to brand new territory that we’ll proudly step into come January—and starting right now.

Below are collected New Year’s statements and reflections from some of the wonderful people at XCVI:

From Fionna, Performance Marketing Manager
“At the beginning of 2022, my theme was blossom. My lesson/reflection from 2022 is the value of commUNITY in that journey. People need people to grow, to love, to understand, to heal, to push through, to triumph, to blossom. My theme for 2023 is freedom + magic. Right now, for me that means freedom from limiting beliefs & behaviors, continued growth in being the mother my daughter needs to
flourish and uncover her magic in her own journey, exploring new ways to add value in my role at XCVI, prioritizing moments of self-care, unapologetically pursuing my dreams, giving myself permission to be the woman I want to show up as in the world and always remembering to leave space for magic. ”

From Crystal, Associate Designer
“I'd just like to reflect on how thankful I am to work for XCVI. We have such a family dynamic that it makes coming to work welcoming and fun. I feel appreciated and valued everyday I go to work. After the move from downtown to two different locations, I thought it would be hard to retain our unity in a way. Although we are now separated by miles, I couldn't feel closer as a team and as a company. It has brought many of us closer in beautiful ways and I am so grateful for my friendships and experiences I've had. Cheers to another year of trudging along, enjoying every moment!”

From Daniela, Brand Creative Director
“Love how we grew and evolved this year. And I'm excited by the way we are continuing to grow every day."  

From Alon, CEO
“We are all so grateful to all the support we have been receiving. In light of the year we have all have had—and all the difficulties and pressures out there, it is very special to see the brand grow and expand.”


Copy Writer / CreativeOn a personal note, XCVI became my new home in 2022. As a new hire, I experienced the company for the first time beginning in February, and soon found myself completely excited by all the creative opportunities. I was welcomed with open arms and plenty of encouragement, and soon took on new and inspiring roles as the months progressed. I never anticipated working at a company whose mission I supported so wholeheartedly, nor could I have imagined the incredible support I’d receive from every single colleague.


Beyond professional development, XCVI offered me unconditional support in the face of a personal tragedy I experienced this year, and that meant the world to me as both an employee and as a part of this family company.

As I venture into 2023, I hope to continue expanding creatively with XCVI, and to further cultivate my relationships within the company, giving back just a fraction of the support and inspiration that was granted to me. If 2022 is at all telling of the surprises lurking just around the corner, I embrace all the unprecedented, unimaginable, and inevitable in the New Year, and look forward to more time spent with this one-of-a-kind company in 2023 and onward.

On behalf of me, Eden, and all of us here at XCVI, to you, our beloved customer, friend, and reader—we wish a healthy, warm, and wonderful New Year.

Happy 2023, everyone…we made it!